[07Mar]UFC restaurant @Bratislava, Slovakia
It took us more than 3 hours from Prague to Bratislava.
it was a very decent but also very expensive (comparing the living standard) restaurant. 位於橫越多瑙河上的Novy Most (Most在捷克/斯洛伐克文中是橋的意思).
1 single meal costs around 25 euro, and 1 drink costs around 10 euro.
However, you can see the river, old town of Bratislava, the castle etc at 360 degree. 360度環視多瑙河畔夜景, 波光粼粼, 完全值回票價.
/Stamps on passport
因為開車過境, 很可愛的蓋了車子的章.
/Beautiful views from UFC restaurant
/360度景色就連廁所也不放過. (男廁用的是水桶??)